A New Story

As we become more conscious, we are moving into a timeline made for true, transformative expansion.

As such, business as usual isn’t enough. We need to create new stories consistently, often in real time, in order to hold the vision of and embody the shifting values of a more whole and conscious humanity.

As a storyteller, I make meaning of experiences and reveal parts of me to support the collective growth. After deep study and practice, I now live and work guided by my most authentic self. I share this path through practical stories, guidance, and a new set of unfolding beliefs, shared below.

In my work, I help others—collaborators, companies, clients, teams—understand each other, remember who they are, and expand into their fullest expression. I welcome the opportunity to discuss how I may serve your organization.

Deep Knowings & Beliefs

To hold all truths at once is the path to true liberation.

This is something I have learned along the path of becoming. There is no right or wrong. There is no good or bad. If we can begin from this place — that there is no wrong path — then we can begin to sort through our challenges and complexities with far greater compassion and unimaginable possibility.

Your abundance is directly correlated to your capacity to hold yourself.

This became my embodied truth through exploration with my intuitive mentor, Monica Carota. The more you can choose yourself, soothe yourself, and hold yourself through the complexities of life, the greater your capacity to receive all the abundance that is not just your birthright, but that is also on the other side of remembering how whole you are right now.

Energy first; strategy second.

This was one of the most challenging shifts to make in order to view work and business through a more conscious capitalist lens. The energy in the room, the energy of your intentions, and honoring your energy is the first order of business. After all are aligned and nervous systems are regulated, we then devise a strategy for collaboration and expansion. Even before reviewing analytics or writing a newsletter, I first assess the energy of the consumer — i.e. what do they feel today, what do they desire, and how can we meet them where they are.

Confidence is a practice.

I learned this through many yoga teachers and through every asana practice. To think of embodying the fullest expression of ourselves as a practice alleviates the need for perfection and allows us the space to form new habits and personalities. Confidence is learned through trials and lessons each and every day.

Is the decision being made from love or from fear?

This is a question that I pose before all decisions that feel complex. It was offered to me by my intuitive mentor Monica Carota, and remains the core lens through which I evaluate all opportunities and challenges, whether for myself personally or when making a business decision. Taking the time to marinate in this question allows for real aligning to values.

Whatever you birth — a project, a book, a human — births you.

We are invited into new versions of ourselves by everything we bring to life. The process and the outcome shows us who we were, who we are, and who we are becoming. And as such, we experience transformation in every moment.

Every crisis is a crisis of intimacy. It can only be remedied with a new configuration of intimacy.

This is a deep knowing that is offered by philosopher, author, and rabbi Mark Gafni. It is up to us to be conscious enough to notice the crisis and, should we so desire, reconfigure how we relate to each other in order to remedy the core crisis and allow our fullest potential. This is a gift that has been cultivated with me over many years. In addition, in Mayan cosmology, my core energy carries the gift of discernment and cutting away what is not necessary in order to reveal the truth — which is vital when working with complex teams and desires.

Jealousy is simply a denial of uniqueness.

Not only is it a denial of uniqueness, jealousy is a signal that we have unending possibility within us, and that possibility is waiting for the space, time, and story through which to surface. It is a gift to turn jealously into an opportunity for expansion.

If you can measure it, it’s too small.

I learned this through work with my intuitive mentor, Monica Carota. Our capacity — for expression, for fulfillment, for abundance — is limitless. The mind simply cannot imagine half of what is possible and so, to measure something is, in some ways, limiting its fullest potential. Metrics are directionally valuable but they can often limit expansion.

The person or project or possibility before you is source (“all-that-is”) sending you your most vital work in this moment.

This requires a great deal of presence to see most clearly, the presence to realize that everything that crosses your path is, if you so choose to believe it, designed expressly for you to learn, heal, help, or expand.

When we rush to a decision, we are excluding empathic individuals who require time to feel into their intuition for the next best steps.

And since most feminine-dominant individuals are to some degree empathic, we may be excluding half of the population. Allowing space and time for processing is a basic business requirement in a more intuitive world. I often encourage short breaks to feel into decisions and return to refine them collaboratively.

There is no individual wealth without collective wealth.

If you run a late stage capitalism business that is not yet in the process of shifting toward care for the collective — which includes offering more-than-fair living wages, incentivizing teams to take time off to rest, providing benefits that make a real impact on holistic health, investing in programs for employee wealth generation, just to start — than it’s highly likely that you’re missing out on a first-mover opportunity to transform toward conscious capitalism and pave the way for others to follow.

Everyone is a reflection of you.

As philosopher Marc Gafni explains, we came here as one (“all-that-is”) to become two (separation) for the joy of becoming one again. As such, everyone is connected to you. To bring curiosity to every human you meet is to bring curiosity to yourself, to what rises within you in that connection, and ultimately, it invites an allowing of your own expansion.

All competition is ultimately with the self.

Competition presumes that one is better than another. But if we are all unique, if no one can do anything in the exact same way, then any perceived competition isn’t competition with another, it’s a desire to surpass the limited vision we had for ourselves. The mind cannot imagine unlimited possibilities; you must go to the soul for limitlessness.

Even in moments when you think nothing is happening, so much is happening under the surface, in the stillness, in the allowing.

Your wholeness and expansion doesn’t come from doing more. It arrives in simply being. When you think you need to do more in order to make more happen, instead, query your inner voice and ask what the stillness is offering. Real expansion happens during the in-between.

You don’t have to do much to do much.

Learned from one of my life-changing yoga teachers, this adage is true of everything. In my lived experience, the first step, the next step, and a tiny step, is the always most important step.

The new earth is here and emerging through a new story. In your project, in your business, in your life — how will you tell a new story?

Business as usual will not bring your values, wishes, or unspoken desires to life. Each opportunity is a moment to begin again by telling a brand new story that carries with it your dreams for yourself and humanity.

How will you tell a new story that centers your values today?