Relationship Self-Healing Exercise and Workshop

Hello, I’m Maggie Battista. I’m a storyteller, strategist, ritualist, teacher, and mentor. I also host Cacao ceremonies and teach a Self-Love Path for Soul Emergence.

I designed a Relationship Self-Healing Exercise for us.

It’s about choosing to view the relationships in your life in a very different way, one in which the dynamics of those relationships are not about the other person at all.

They are entirely about you.

And that’s because, everyone in your life is a reflection of you.

I realize that may be a lot to hold but it is how I view the world now. It’s a perspective shift that offers a path to self-awareness and self-healing and so much self-love.

If you’d like to watch this workshop, you may click the button to watch.

This Relationship Self-Healing Exercise allows you to better relate to vital individuals, to hold them with compassion, to self-heal, and to offer the best parts of you to them.

In the exercise, you take a direct, compassionate look at your three most dominate relationships and you choose to ask yourself these seven questions about each relationship:

  1. How do I feel about me around this individual?

  2. What aspect of this relationship most concerns me?

  3. What does this aspect reflect about them? What parts of them need compassion and curiosity?

  4. What is this aspect reflecting about me? What parts of me need compassion, curiosity, and self-healing?

  5. What is the lesson I am learning in this relationship?

  6. If I soothed this wound in me, how would I react next time this challenge surfaces in this relationship?

  7. With this new understanding, how do I feel now?

I’ll give you an example of how this exercise works with a relationship from my life.

Relationship Self-Healing Exercise: Example

There are several people in my life who consistently try to control so much around them. I know they have reasons for this and I have a lot of compassion for them. But when they attempt to control or fix a situation, especially when it involves me, I have a strong reaction, one that I wish to understand. Let’s take this relationship through the exercise.

  1. How do I feel about me in this relationship? I feel loved but there are lots of moments where I feel like an object of their control or judgment.

  2. What aspect of this relationship most concerns me? I have a strong reaction within myself when I see them exhibit controlling or fixing behavior.

  3. What does this aspect reflect about them? What parts of them need compassion and curiosity? They are simply trying to bring a sense of control to an uncontrollable world. They may be doing this because they feel out of control and need the world to make more sense to them in order to feel calm and peaceful. But that is their work, not mine. The part of them that feels out of control needs compassion and curiosity.

  4. What is this aspect reflecting in me? What parts of me need compassion, curiosity, and healing? This aspect forces me to question myself and how I live my life. I feel anxious about my choices. I wonder if something is wrong with me. The part of me that feels uncertain or wrong needs compassion, curiosity, and healing, and that is my work.

  5. What is the lesson I am learning in this relationship? In this relationship, I’m learning many things including how trust myself, how to detach from outcomes and release control, how to release judgment of another, and how to live life from the heart and soul (instead of from the logical mind).

  6. If I soothed this wound in me, how would I react next time this challenge surfaces in this relationship? If I switch into my soul’s voice and allow it to remind me of how much I believe in myself and my choices, then what they say may simply flow through me like water. I would not react to what appears to be a way to control the world around them. I will soothe the part of me who feels tender and I will choose to trust myself.

  7. How do I feel about myself now? I feel like I understand myself better. I know I can navigate the feelings around this aspect of our relationship.

I hope you found this exercise helpful and supportive of your soul’s path and emergence. Thanks for reading. I’ll be back again very, very soon.

Would you like to watch my Relationship Self-Healing Workshop where I discuss this exercise in detail?

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How Ceremonial Cacao Supports Self-Healing

Hello, I’m Maggie Battista. I’m a storyteller, strategist, ritualist, facilitator, and mentor. I also host sacred Cacao ceremonies.

Ceremonial Cacao is associated with self-healing in the context of spiritual and holistic practices. Here are some ways in which Ceremonial Cacao is believed to contribute to self-healing:

  1. Intention Setting: Ceremonial Cacao rituals often involve setting personal intentions before consuming the cacao. This intentional focus directs one's energy toward specific aspects of self-healing, personal growth, or emotional well-being.

  2. Mindfulness and Presence: The ceremonial consumption of Cacao is often accompanied by mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep introspection. Being present in the moment and connecting with one's thoughts and emotions can facilitate self-awareness and contribute to the healing process.

  3. Emotional Release: Cacao is sometimes associated with the ability to open the heart and promote emotional release. Participants may experience a cathartic release of pent-up emotions, allowing for a more profound understanding and processing of emotional challenges.

  4. Inner Exploration: In my lived experience, the psychoactive compounds in Cacao, including Theobromine, support inner exploration and self-discovery. This can involve gaining insights into personal challenges, relationships, or life paths, often directly from your own soul through visualizations and messages. In meditation with Cacao, one may also explore connections with ancestors or passed loved ones, allowing for a conversation or exchange of messages to allow you to process and integrate, write new stories, and give yourself closure.

  5. Connecting with Spirituality: Ceremonial Cacao has been used in various spiritual traditions as a tool for connecting with one's spirituality. It may facilitate a sense of connection to oneself, nature, or a higher power, depending on your individual beliefs. In my studies, I learned that Ceremonial Cacao has provided daily nourishment and spiritual connection to those who practice Mayan spirituality for centuries.

  6. Energy and Vibrational Healing: Some practitioners view Ceremonial Cacao as having energetic or vibrational properties that contribute to healing. The belief is that the plant medicine carries a unique energy that can positively influence the individual's energy field. I believe that Ceremonial Cacao carries a spirit and, in my ceremonies, I honor, thank, and welcome that spirit to facilitate the ceremony’s energy.

As mentioned, it’s crucial to approach the use of Ceremonial Cacao with respect and mindfulness. The effects attributed to Cacao are often subjective and rooted in personal experiences and beliefs so will be entirely dependent on your openness to self-healing. I have personally experienced tremendous self-healing through various practices, including Ceremonial Cacao. Additionally, the ceremonial context, the setting, and the guidance of experienced facilitators play a significant role in the overall experience and its potential therapeutic effects.

I am a ritualist who has received the permissions necessary by a counsel of spiritual leaders to hold Cacao rituals with the elements of the Maya tradition. If you’re interested in participating in a Cacao ceremony with me, please review my upcoming events page.

Thanks for reading. And I’ll be back again very, very soon.

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What Rituals Are Connected to the Use of Ceremonial Cacao?

Hello, I’m Maggie Battista. I’m a storyteller, strategist, ritualist, facilitator, and mentor. I also host sacred Cacao ceremonies.

Ceremonial Cacao is used in various rituals and ceremonies that have roots in indigenous traditions, particularly in Central and South America. I am most familiar with the rituals used by those of the Mayan traditions as that is part of my lineage. The rituals associated with Ceremonial Cacao often vary, but they generally share the goal of promoting spiritual connection, self-reflection, self-healing, and a sense of well-being.

Here are some common rituals associated with Ceremonial Cacao:

  1. Cacao Ceremony: This is a structured gathering or ceremony where participants come together to drink Ceremonial Cacao. The ceremony may include guided meditation, chanting, singing, breath work, journaling, or other rituals aimed at promoting mindfulness, soul connection, and inner exploration. Facilitators like me often lead these ceremonies to create a sacred and intentional space.

  2. Meditation and Mindfulness: Ceremonial Cacao is sometimes consumed as part of meditation practices. Participants may sit in silence or engage in guided meditation to deepen their connection with themselves and the present moment. In my experience, a guided meditation practice will conclude with a journaling session and sharing circle.

  3. Intention Setting: Before consuming Ceremonial Cacao, participants may set personal intentions for the ritual. This involves reflecting on specific goals, desires, dreams, or areas of their lives they wish to focus on during the ceremony. The intention-setting process is considered crucial for guiding the experience. Just like Ceremonial Cacao is produced with intention, it is vital for consumers to offer its spirit the same intention.

  4. Gratitude Practices: Expressing gratitude is often a key element in Cacao ceremonies. Participants may be encouraged to reflect on and share aspects of their lives for which they are grateful. This practice is believed to enhance the positive and transformative aspects of the experience.

  5. Emotional Release: Expressing emotions is a key element of my Cacao ceremonies. I foster safe and open space for participants to feel and express all feelings. It’s important for those feelings to be witnessed in order for them to be processed, integrated, released, or any combination.

  6. Dance and Movement: Some ceremonies incorporate dance or movement as a way to embody the energy of the Cacao and promote a sense of liberation and self-expression. Movement can be a powerful way to connect with the body and release tension. I often pair Ceremonial Cacao with a slow and gentle yoga practice, which helps to promote rest, relaxation, softness, and a readiness to receive the heart-opening plant medicine.

  7. Community and Sharing: Ceremonial Cacao is sometimes consumed in a communal setting, fostering a sense of unity and connection among participants. Sharing experiences and insights after the ceremony can be an integral and sometimes life-changing part of the ritual.

It's essential to approach Ceremonial Cacao with respect and an open mind, understanding that these practices carry immense cultural significance. If you're interested in participating in a Cacao ceremony, consider doing so with experienced facilitators who have been trained by indigenous teachers and who can guide the process and create a safe and supportive environment.

I am a ritualist who has received the permissions necessary by a counsel of spiritual leaders to hold Cacao rituals with the elements of the Maya tradition. If you’re interested in participating in a Cacao ceremony with me, please review my upcoming events page. My ceremonies include many of the above mentioned rituals, and include a meditation visualization journey to connect with your ancestors, your soul, and vital soul messages.

Thanks for reading. And I’ll be back again very, very soon.

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What is Ceremonial Cacao?

Hello, I’m Maggie Battista. I’m a storyteller, strategist, ritualist, facilitator, and mentor. I also host sacred Cacao ceremonies.

Ceremonial Cacao is a specific type of cacao (the primary ingredient in chocolate) that is used in ceremonial and spiritual contexts. Unlike commercial chocolate, which often undergoes processing and may contain additives, Ceremonial Cacao is minimally processed and considered to be of much higher quality. It is cultivated and sourced with intention and sustainability in mind. Ceremonial Cacao comes from specific regions known for producing high-quality Cacao beans and has been cultivated and shepherded by the Mayan civilization for centuries.

The active ingredient in Ceremonial Cacao is Theobromine. It is found naturally in various plants, with significant amounts present in the seeds of the cacao tree (a.k.a. Theobroma cacao), from which chocolate is derived. The word "Theobroma" is derived from the Greek words "theo" meaning "god" and "broma" meaning "food," translating to "food of the gods." Theobromine has a similar structure to caffeine but tends to have a milder stimulant effect. It stimulates the central nervous system, relaxes smooth muscles, and dilates blood vessels, sending more oxygen throughout the body and toward the heart.

Ceremonial Cacao is used in various traditional ceremonies, especially in indigenous cultures in Central and South America. It is valued not only for its rich and pure flavor but also for its potential to induce a sense of well-being, relaxation, and heightened awareness. Many people incorporate Ceremonial Cacao into rituals, meditation, and spiritual practices, so that it may facilitate a deeper connection with oneself and the surrounding environment. Nearly ten years ago, I was introduced to Ceremonial Cacao precisely for this use, to foster a deeper connection with myself and, as a result, I began to hear my inner voice.

It's important to note that Ceremonial Cacao is distinct from the chocolate products found on supermarket shelves. The focus is not solely on taste but also on the spiritual and ceremonial aspects associated with its consumption. Those interested in using Ceremonial Cacao want to seek out products that are specifically labeled and intended for ceremonial use. Bear in mind, though, that producers across the globe may offer Ceremonial Cacao with inconsistent quantities of Theobromine. Since no two Cacaos are the same, I recommend you buy Ceremonial Cacao that has the quantity of Theobromine per cup printed on its package or contact the producer for that information.

Ceremonial Cacao may have various effects on the body, mind, and spirit. It's important to note that the experiences and effects can vary from person to person. Here are some commonly reported effects of Ceremonial Cacao:

  1. Mood Enhancement: Ceremonial cacao contains compounds that may act as natural mood enhancers. The presence of theobromine, a stimulant found in cacao, can contribute to a gentle and sustained energy boost, potentially leading to improved mood and mental alertness.

  2. Heart Opening: Many participants in cacao ceremonies describe a sense of heart opening or emotional release. This is often linked to the belief that cacao has the ability to connect individuals with their emotions, fostering self-awareness and empathy.

  3. Increased Awareness: Ceremonial cacao is sometimes associated with heightened awareness and a deeper connection to one's inner self. Some people report enhanced mindfulness, allowing them to be more present and focused during meditation or introspective practices.

  4. Relaxation and Stress Reduction: The theobromine and other compounds in cacao may have mild relaxing effects, potentially helping to reduce stress and anxiety. The ritualistic nature of cacao ceremonies, combined with intentional practices, may contribute to a sense of calm and relaxation.

  5. Spiritual Connection: In various spiritual and ceremonial traditions, cacao is considered a sacred plant medicine that can facilitate spiritual experiences. Some participants report a sense of connection to nature, a higher power, or their own spiritual essence during or after consuming ceremonial cacao.

Keep in mind that individual responses to Ceremonial Cacao may vary. If you're considering participating in a Cacao ceremony or incorporating Ceremonial Cacao into your practices, it's advisable to do so mindfully and with respect for the cultural and ceremonial contexts in which it is traditionally used.

I am a ritualist who has received the permissions necessary by a counsel of spiritual leaders to hold Cacao rituals with the elements of the Maya tradition. If you’re interested in participating in a Cacao ceremony with me, please review my Events page. In ceremony, I share how I honor and give reverence to the spirit of Ceremonial Cacao and I’m happy to answer questions about that post-ceremony.

Additionally, if you have any health concerns or are taking medications, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before consuming Ceremonial Cacao, as it does contain stimulants and other compounds that may interact with certain conditions or medications—like antidepressants and chemotherapy.

Thanks for reading. And I’ll be back again very, very soon.

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Hi, I’m Maggie Battista. I’m a storyteller, strategist, ritualist, teacher & mentor.

I share stories on the sweetness of life and the magic that unfolds when you listen to your soul.

The soul speaks through an inner voice which is the calm and all-knowing wisdom that surfaces from within when you get quiet and listen.

I weave how to listen to soul, self-love and self-healing practices (like Ceremonial Cacao), with decades of entrepreneurial mastery to help creatives, visionaries, healers, and leaders transcend blocks in order to heal and bring their most authentic selves to work, life, and art.

I guide individuals through everything from organizational shifts and role recalibrations, through self-awareness and self-healing paths, and to soul emergence so they vision unending possibilities, align with their ever-unfolding purpose, and take inspired action from the soul.

My offerings are leading edge benefits that recalibrate the inner world, helping you center abundance, ease, coherence, and self-trust.

And the bonds that emerge through our collaboration make work and life a lot more fun, and a lot more magical.